dancing with happiness…

spiral.JPG … yet again, and this time in Santa Cruz, who would have imagined, and what beautiful spirals we walk (or dance!) in. This house i’ve been resting in, and thinking about, is in transformation, you already know that part. Katie is also leaving, she needs a dog in her life and we can’t have pets in the house, so that leaves Leta and me. Been meeting and interviewing many people these days, most often contributing to my sense of disconnection.

Just one example: someone shared a practice of doing the dishes that worked in another shared house she lived in: small containers on the sink with names on, so everyone can put their dirty dishes in their own container and wash only their own dishes. When they answer to questions such as “So what you do understand by living together, by sharing a house?” would they also realise that they are respondents in my fieldwork on american individualism? And then there was that strong thought of last week, as i was thinking of the shared houses i lived in and in particular of the home with Rutvica in Utrecht: can’t do community on my own here, but it would only take another person to do the house differently. (And Leta, sweet Leta, she’d join that energy, i know it…)

And then there is Maria, just back from her Earth Activist Training, and beautiful, amazone-like (as she rides her cool black bike through the streets of Santa Cruz), radiant, transformed, in a spiral dance of her own. She had a dream of our house while she was at Ocean Song. And she comes back and finds that our house is looking for people… A dinner with Leta last night and a phonecall from Leta this morning, and Maria will be moving into Washington street in a short while. Quelle vie, imagine tout ce que cette maison peut devenir… what a gift.

And also this morning i found an email from Nicolas announcing that the blog about politics in Flanders that Nadia and i wanted (needed) so much to begin, is ready. We’ll be waiting a little while or so to make it public, but here, while we are trying together to find our voice, is a first impression for friends: het verdriet van vlaanderen (le chagrin des flamands). Yet another gift. Oh, could it be the same thing, if there are two, if there is a bunch of us, that we could make this sad Flanders differently? I think we could, and i know there is no other option than trying.