SC beach 2

67400006.JPG sahar’s second day of california life as we go to the beach (ay, you might started thinking that work simply is not part of life here…) and sahar is yet another one who manages to take a quick swim in this chilling cold ocean. and then there’s the 6 year old boy with the inquisitive look who stops near the small camp we made (with a big parasol and a purple blanket) and asks: “why do you have all that hair there?” he’s pointing to my armpits. because it grows there.

and the urge to talk about how doing social relations and friendships and community is so different in this country. we don’t have adequate words yet to pin-point the difference down, but it’s a difference we can’t help not liking…
i’m reminded of berna who would regularly talk (complain 🙂 ) about this, adding a skeptical question “how come it is different with maría and you, i thought europeans were much closer to americans in that respect?” i’m reminded of wim’s warning before i left to the U.S. “it’s going to be so much harder and more different for you than in istanbul or kazan.” words that proved prophetic…