the coldest night in a motel in Murfreesboro (with heating this time).
a hamburger breakfast (lunch for the workers) in just the perfect
delightful home-cooking place (maggie definately has an eye).
buildings from the 1950s that suggest not much has changed since.
on the road to Knoxville.
at some point we get off the highway
and onto a small road that takes us through a beautiful landscape:
hills spread out with barns, meadows and old wooden houses
made soft and golden by the light of a late afternoon sun.
and i swear to god that it’s not much exaggerated when i say
that every second or third building along the road was a church.
looking for public spaces in this alien social geography deprived of
a center as we know them in Europe? here they are.
alongside the gas stations and the occasional small supermarket.
(that is before we hit mall-sized towns).